July 26, 2024


The Four Wards Podcast - FYI - important heads up about the podcast

Hosted by

CrushU Freee Jax Omen
The Four Wards Podcast - FYI - important heads up about the podcast
The Four Wards Podcast
The Four Wards Podcast - FYI - important heads up about the podcast

Jul 26 2024 | 00:02:55


Show Notes

With any luck, this post will prove to be completely unneeded, and when I'm able to set up my own hosting we'll be able to migrate seamlessly without any of you even noticing, but here it is anyway for safety's sake.

Kangas has promised not to mess with the hosting of Four Wards in the meantime until we are able to migrate to hosting that I own and control. At this point in time I cannot guarantee that promise will hold true.

If this feed suddenly goes dark one day, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reach out to Jax Omen on discord (jaxomen), twitter (@jaxomen - MAJOR NSFW warning), steam (https://steamcommunity.com/id/Jax_Omen/) for a link to whatever the new feed URL winds up being.

We love you guys, and we'll see you next time.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hey listeners, Jack Soman here. Um, there's no easy way to say this. There has been some drama that has happened today, and hopefully I'm worrying for nothing and the podcast will just continue with no interruptions or anything. [00:00:20] But I'm publishing this on the feed now while I still know for a fact that I can. [00:00:27] Just in case. So that you guys are aware, we may be needing to find new hosting abruptly pretty soon. [00:00:37] I do not know if this feed will continue to be updated or even continue to exist, depending on the whims of the owner of it. [00:00:45] I am going to do my best to get us migrated to something that I have control over so that the four wards podcast can continue without being at risk of anything. I'm not asking for anything from you guys right now. Those of you who do support us, we appreciate you, but some things right now are out of my control. [00:01:07] Like I said, I hope I'm worrying about nothing and you guys will just continue to listen uninterrupted. And when I'm able to migrate to different hosting, it will just be uninterrupted seamless. You won't even know anything happened. That's what I'm hoping will happen, but it's not what I can guarantee right now. So if you suddenly see the Forwards podcast feed disappear or stop publishing episodes, please, please, please. [00:01:39] I know, I know. I don't plug my twitter because my twitter is not safe for work at all. [00:01:47] But check my Twitter. Check the Trinity force network discord, which I will link in the episode description. It is an old discord. [00:01:56] I don't necessarily recommend that discord in general, but it is a way to reach out to me. Message me on discord. [00:02:03] I love you guys. I want you to continue making the podcast that you guys enjoy listening to. [00:02:09] If we disappear suddenly, I will have a solution. [00:02:16] So please, if you see your feed, stop updating. Reach out so you can get whatever the new feed is. We will do something. [00:02:26] Until then, hopefully you'll continue to just get tips and tricks, q and a whatever other shit we decide to do on forwards every week, we do still have the auditions open until Saturday, which is two days away as I'm recording this. So if you want to be a host on the show, please send in your audition and we love you guys. [00:02:52] We'll see you next time. [00:02:54] Bye.

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